Outdoor gear brings a positive attitude to life and hip brands are particularly in demand. Since 2015 Citybeam has advised the sporting goods manufacturer Salomon. Entirely in line with their catchphrase "Time to Play" we communicate within the fields of trail running, road running, outdoor, ski alpine, cross-country skiing, freeski and touring through new products, athletes, events.
We create unique moments, again and again, to charge the brand with the alpine feeling. For example, in 2017, Salomon’s retail partners and selected media representatives had the rare opportunity to meet Kilian Jornet in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The legendary mountain runner and ski tourer managed to break all records in the last few years. He climbed Mount Everest in only 26 hours! His stories were fascinating, they transported the alpine lifestyle in a very authentic way and the consumer naturally picked up and connected with the brand.
Scope of work: Strategy, public relations, influencer marketing, media production, media relations, event management.

Round-Table talks with mountain runner and ski tourer Kilian Jornet.
Participants were editors and bloggers from sports and economy departments: Runner's World, Airfreshing, Laufen.de, Trail Magazin, Alpin, WirtschaftsWoche, and Stern.